This first one is more or less a basic daisy chain, but I decided to see what would happen if I added bugle bead leaves. Personally I rather like the effect, and I think it could be really pretty for a short necklace as well.
The different colours in the bugle beads look a little funny in places in the photo, but I promise the effect is more subtle in person, and I think adds a hint of "realism" to the leaves, if one could use that term for anything so stylized.
The next bracelet also makes use of seed beads and bugle beads. This is a design I tried back when I was twelve and wound up just hopelessly snarling my thread. It then got filed in my mind under a "too difficult to be worth doing" category and sat there for entirely too long. Only a couple of years ago, when I came across the design again, did it occur to me that I might now have more fine motor control than I did back then, haha.
I only have the one colour so far, but time permitting, I'll do a few more.
The last one I'll post today is my most common type. This is also done as a modified daisy chain, but the effect is quite different from the classic one. Glass pearls and seed beads. I make these in quite a few colours. I call this particular design "harlequin" because of the way the dark and light crisscross.
I also make these at necklace length, and am working on a few different earring designs.
Well, that's it for now. Next time maybe I'll post a work in progress shot of the coral I'm working on.
(Please feel free to comment, btw. My traffic counter says 42 people have viewed my blog, but I've no idea what anyone is thinking.)
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