Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sunday Market Is A Go

Unless the weather changes horribly.

Had a cold time but a good time today.  I want to say thanks to the young man who called one of my necklaces phat. Definitely my favourite compliment of the day.

Here's a picture of my table:

I should probably get some sort of riser so people don't have to bend over to see my stuff.

If anyone is reading this after grabbing one of my cards at the Centennial Square market, please leave a comment and let me know.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Weather Permitting

I will be doing the pop up holiday market in Centennial Square tomorrow (December 14), and depending how that goes, possibly Sunday as well.

Details can be found in my posts below, but just to reiterate briefly, it will be from noon until 5:00pm under the Ferris wheel in Centennial Square, downtown Victoria.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Update on Pop Up Holiday Market

Sadly, we were rained out this weekend, so no market for me.  Next weekend I'm volunteering at a swim meet, so unless I do Friday night, I won't be there that weekend, but weather permitting, I should be there on Saturday, December 14 and possibly Sunday, December 15.  (Details about the market can be found in my previous post.)  I'll let you know when I've decided about Friday.  Until then, feel free to contact me via comments or send me an email.